Alexa input Setup Instructions

  1.  Plug the micro USB power cable into a USB port or use the supplied wall wart.
  2.  Plug the AUX cable into the Echo Input and into the ZVOX input 2d/2a (Next to the Optical port) and set the ZVOX input to read “BOTH”.
  3. Go into your devices’ App Store and download the Alexa App and follow the on-screen setup instructions.  You can also setup your Alexa from your computer by visiting
  4. Set the ZVOX AV155 to PS17 (Adds gain for Voice Command on Echo input) while the speaker is ON hold “Other Settings” for 3 seconds until PS-0 Flashes, immediately release and tap the volume Up button to navigate until the display reads PS-17 and stop  A2HI will appear and go away, done. (PS-16 returns analog gain to factory)
  5. Make sure the phone or tablets volume is all the way up.

Click the link below for Alexa setup video instructions.

Click on this link for video instructions